Dec 27, 2007

A nation of prewalkers

Moscow metro, originally uploaded by JasonRogers.

Like most people in the metropolis called Moscow, I commute to work every day. This involves some work and planning on my part to make the trip from point X to point Y as close as possible.

Kottke once posted about prewalking, where you try to game the subway by getting on at the 'head' or the 'tail' of the train. In Moscow it's less of a sport and more of a necessity -- during the rush hour, the onrush of bodies will wear you down if you get out at the wrong end of the train and have to make your way to the far end of the platform.

Moscow is set up in such a way that 99% of the time the maximum number of lines you have to ride on is 2. This means that you have to be smart about prewalking for transfers too. Consider it a mathematical exercise; with over 100 stations and 10+ lines, where's a spot where you have to use more than two lines to get to where you're going? You can review the map here to see what I'm talking about.

Dec 25, 2007

Merry Christmas - Frohe Weihnachten!

Happy Xmas all!

I don't have a tree. I got a few presents. I'm at work today.

I don't feel like celebrating much. I never do. The last few Christmases, quite frankly, have sucked. Last year's Christmas we made a pretty decent go of it. Before then was just plain dismal. There's a reason why the title of this blog can be mispromounced as "the depression".

That having been said, I hope everyone I know has a merry christmas, and an even merrier new year.

Dec 22, 2007

Dec 21, 2007

chris blogs: Thoughts on Vooly

chris blogs: Thoughts on Vooly: A short description on how a tumblelog is organized, by the expert on tumblelogs.

monn/ochoa (ohler & noumena)

monn/ochoa (ohler & noumena): music by friends is the best music to listen to in the world.

Dec 20, 2007

Vladimir Putin - Person of the Year 2007 - TIME

Vladimir Putin - Person of the Year 2007 - TIME: "His final year as Russia's President has been his most successful yet. At home, he secured his political future. Abroad, he expanded his outsize—if not always benign—influence on global affairs"

Code's Worst Enemy

Stevey's Blog Rants: Code's Worst Enemy. I'll give you a hint, the answer is size.

how bad is it?

The US sub-prime crisis in graphics.

Erlang: A New Way to Program That’s 20 Years Old - GigaOM

Erlang: A New Way to Program That’s 20 Years Old - GigaOM: "But the model Erlang offers for parallel programming — distributing computing instructions across multiple processors such as are found in multicore computers or clouds of servers linked together — does represent something radically new to many programmers, even though it’s two decades old."

Dec 18, 2007

On The Meaning of "Coding Horror"

Coding Horror: On The Meaning of "Coding Horror": "Despite its limb-gnawing tedium, Coding Horror will continue to rank high."

Coding Horror takes a moment to blog about blogging, and reveals something that gnaws not at my limbs, but at my heart; that all the code I write sucks. At least I now know I'm not alone.

Dec 17, 2007

cover shot!

Digital Camera Magazine, originally uploaded by junku.

I don't know Junku, but I do know that he shoots a good picture of a cat. Must be good enough for the Japanese Digital Camera Magazine, because that's his cat on the cover. Nice job, then.

rooting for AI

Found while digging through Hacking News -- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Has sample PDFs and code.

Dec 8, 2007

no thought, just action

=-D, originally uploaded by lisich.

Was pondering the meaning of this blog in the car today; I need to get back into the game somehow, I thought to myself. The issue is all about managing the time and creating something over time that I can appreciate.

Blogging through Flickr is one way to keep the flow going. At least, it's what I am going to try out for a while.

Nov 23, 2007

Flying Cat

Flying Cat, originally uploaded by Rob Lee.

Snow is afoot, and not everyone hates it.

Oct 28, 2007

jwz mixtapes

jwz mixtapes: Each week, a new mixtape will be up on this website, available for two weeks only.

Oct 27, 2007

Spooky Cupcakes IV

Spooky Cupcakes IV, originally uploaded by tinctoris.

Sometimes, I come out from behind the computer and help with the cooking. While I didn't bake 'em, I definitely frosted 'em. The results are absolutely fecking gorgeous. Happy Halloween, ya'll!

Halloween Round-Up: Wallpapers And Tutorials

Halloween Round-Up: Wallpapers And Tutorials from Smashing Magazine. Absolutely brilliant stuff here.


HTML 5 Spec: A call for comments has been issued by the WHATWG working group.

Raible Designs | Introduction to Grails with Scott Davis at the Colorado Software Summit

Introduction to Grails with Scott Davis at the Colorado Software Summit by Raible Designs.

We're moving into a new era of web frameworks. The expectation now is a full-stack solution. Grails is a fully integrated modern Java web application in a box. It contains Spring, Hibernate, Quartz, Log4J, Jetty, HSQL, JUnit and Ant. You're not limited to using Jetty, you can type "grails war" and create a WAR that you can deploy to any application server. In a single zip/tar, you get the whole thing - including the database and servlet container. You get a lot of good default for free, but you're not limited to those defaults.

Funny signs at the Pit and the Pendulum goth pub, Nottingham, UK

England. Got to get back there someday.

Oct 26, 2007

Morticious Thrind » Helpful comments I have found in some code I have to work with

Morticious Thrind » Helpful comments I have found in some code I have to work with:
* (quoth blackened stone -- with reddish smear) */"


Lutik, originally uploaded by Rob Lee.

Sometimes, the cat is all you need.

Adobe - Developer Center : What's new in Flex 3 Beta 2

Adobe - Developer Center : What's new in Flex 3 Beta 2. Is this our salvation? Is this what we use instead of AJAX?

On Coding in C++, Java, Perl, Scheme, and Ruby

On Coding in C++, Java, Perl, Scheme, and Ruby: "Coding in Java is like walking. You move along, slowly, methodically, irrevocably making progress toward your goal. It takes time, and you must occasionally walk around strange language idioms and syntax requirements, but it is not actually dangerous. Nothing is trying to kill you with segmentation faults, and you will, inevitably, reach your destination. And sometimes, depending on where you are going, you may even have time to contemplate some pretty sights along the way."

Microsoft's blue monster wine gets the Russian treatment...

gapingvoid: "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards": the blue monster: "microsoftbizcard219border.jpg
[Landscape: click on image to enlarge etc.]"

It's almost been about a year since Hugh from Gapingvoid created the Blue Monster, the persona that is pushing Microsoft to articulate its message to the people in a different way. Since then, he has released a wine through his employer, Stormhoek. Russian Livejournaller supehero took that and ran with it:

Microsoft Wine

Translated, the dialogue reads:

Do you really want to drink? Yes
100 grams? Yes
Or 150 grams? Yes
Or 100 first, and then 150? Yes
Or maybe 250 right away? Yes
Can I ask another question? No
Okay, let's do it then? Yes
Pissed off yet? Yes
Maybe we'll just say 'fuck it'? Fuck no!

15 drops remaining...10 drops remaining...5 drops remaining...

Operation 'change the world' created an error. The bottle will be closed.

Oct 25, 2007

On My Desk: Creative folk share the stuff on their desks: Drew Lawson

On My Desk: Creative folk share the stuff on their desks: Drew Lawson. I've been looking at this site for a while, it's interesting to find what other people's workspaces look like. Related sites:, and Office Snapshots.

San Diego

DSC03861, originally uploaded by Travis Hornung.

The one person I knew in San Diego returned to her house yesterday. Looks like she's going to be okay.

Installing and configuring Apache Tomcat 5.5 and 6.x. (Windows and Linux) « My Java World

Installing and configuring Apache Tomcat 5.5 and 6.x. (Windows and Linux): "Although this topic is simple for many people, it may be useful for those who are starting in the Java Web World." Also useful for me to work on my grammar-correcting skills, since configurating wasn't a word the last time I checked.

Coding Horror: Virtual Machine Server Hosting

Coding Horror: Virtual Machine Server Hosting. Server virtualization makes transferring systems a no-brainer.

Oct 24, 2007

there's something in the water

Grid Computing by Nikita Ivanov : Weblog

Grid Computing by Nikita Ivanov : When will grid computing tip?

What is the Google Collections Library?

What is the Google Collections Library?: "'Of course, this is a really trivial example. What's great about something like Multimap is that the minute you realize you need something slightly more complex, it's already ready to handle that for you. For example, if you're removing entries as well as adding them, in the first code example you'd have to figure out what to do about pruning those empty collections. With Multimap it just happens.'"


Кристина, originally uploaded by lisich.

Some cats are more beautiful than others, simply because they look more intelligent.

lol cats are welcome here

funny cat pictures & lolcats - My duhpreshun Let me show you it.

Семен Семеныч Горбунков - Супергерои

Семен Семеныч Горбунков - Супергерои. I speak Russian, and read it badly. Bloggers in the RuNet, or Russian Internet, are polarized on Putin and what he will do in the future Russian elections.

Clementine is busy with her pumpkins...

yay moleskine!


UNDER BQE 2.jpg, originally uploaded by Butch Belair.

done in 1 hour. cool.

Rails Envy: Rails Envy Podcast - Episode #004: 10/23/2007

Rails Envy: Rails Envy Podcast - Episode #004: 10/23/2007. Probably a language and a framework that I'll never use, but it does have a lot of good links attached to it and is helped along by the Pragmatic Programmer guys, so good stuff nonetheless.

A List Apart: Articles: Findings From the Web Design Survey

A List Apart: Articles: Findings From the Web Design Survey. Wow, 33,000 respondents.

Guatemala, by patrn

A volcano over Antigua, originally uploaded by Patrn.

Anarchaia: A tumblelog by Christian Neukirchen

Anarchaia: A tumblelog by Christian Neukirchen: "Anarchaia". The inspiration for this blog. I have many different thoughts, not one focus. Here's hoping I can shelve various thoughts here and come back to them after a while.